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Cloud of dust at the centre of the Milky Way, smells of rum and tastes of raspberries:
Astronomers have concluded that a giant dust cloud at the heart of the Milky Way would taste of raspberries and smells of rum. The astronomers used the IRAM telescope in Spain to analyse the electromagnetic radiation emitted by Sagittarius B2, a vast dust cloud at the centre of the galaxy. They were searching for amino acids (one of the basic building blocks of life) when they identified a substance called ethyl formate. Ethyl formate is the chemical responsible for the flavour of raspberries, and also for the smell of rum. Dr Belloche and his colleague Robin Garrod at Cornell university of New York have collected over 4000 distinct signals from the cloud, but have only analysed around half of these. So far they have identified about 50 molecules in their survey, two of them had not been identified before.
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